News: Chefs in Future Integrated Healthcare

ITS BACT and Campania Region facilitated 2 sessions at AHL Napoli 2023 held from 13th to 15th November. The first session on 13th November brought together a number of experts on the subject of “Strengthening the impact of healthy nutrition in primary food care – NECTAR Hands-on knowledge exchange”. The session was dedicated to understanding the specific needs of adolescents to develop effective strategies for the adoption of healthy and sustainable lifestyles.

A range of topics relevant to healthy and sustainable lifestyles for adolescents were discussed:

  • Lifestyle in adolescents: results from a national survey. Claudia Vetrani, PEGASO University
  • New strategies for lifestyle changes: the relationship between technological innovation and social isolation., Daniela Caso, UNINA
  • Emerging eating disorders among adolescents: an update. Carmela De Caprio, UNINA
  • Role of the school in promoting a healthy and sustainable diet. Guglielmo Chinese, ITS BACT
  • New professional figures contributing to address food and nutritional needs for AHL: Nectar results and opportunities. Serena Alvino
  • Creatives and interdisciplinary approaches to address obesity in adolescents: iPerseo project. Mario Punzo, Scuola Italiana
  • Structured engagement of participants needs and open discussion

On the 15th November there was a NECTAR food demonstration and the presentation of the NECTAR Awards for the most innovative and healthy meals. The Awards recognised the new skills of gastro-engineer chefs to create tasty, user-friendly meals that have been co-created with an intergenerational approach.

Partner organisations including culinary schools and older adults from Campania region came together to identify tasty meal courses that can be re-engineered in collaboration with nutritionists to address health needs and taste preferences. Partner organizations included:

  • CIRMIS and CIRIAPA Unina Interdepartmental Centers
  • Unina Unesco Chair for Population Health
  • NECTAR community
  • Federico II University
  • iGea-Salute 3D Living Lab
  • iPerseo community
  • Scuola Italiana Comix
  • Istituto Alberghiero Vittorio Veneto
  • Istituto Alberghiero G. Fortunato

A number of specific recipes using products that enhance the nutritional value of the region and are completely sustainable were created by students from the Technical Institutes at the cooking workshops. These were then judged by a panel comprising older adults from the region for the NECTAR Award. The winners of the 2 Awards were: Claudio Milano and Simona Coppeto; and Giancarlo Musto and Ilaria Padulano. Participants at AHL Napoli were treated to the winning recipes during lunch.

Pictured from left, Guglielmo Chinese, Director of the ITS BACT Foundation, Dr. Claudia Vetrani, Claudio Milano Nectar student, two of the participants of the senior workshop of the University of Federico II, and Simona Coppeto Nectar student.
Pictured from left, Guglielmo Chinese, Director of the ITS BACT Foundation, Dr. Claudia Vetrani, two participants of the senior workshop of the University of Federico II, Giancarlo Musto and Ilaria Padulano Nectar students.
Students from the Institute G. Fortunato and Vittorio Veneto of Naples, along with their teachers Domenico Parisi and Patrizia Libetti. Also in the photograph are Guglielmo Chinese, Director of the ITS BACT Foundation, ITS BACT NECTAR project coordinator Emanuela Di Marino, Professor Maddalena Illario and Dr. Claudia Vetrani.