aN Eu Curriculum for Chef gasTro-engineering
in primAry food caRe

The Belgium Pilot has been launched.

ODISEE launches the NECTAR Project’s Chef Gastro-engineering programme for the Belgium Pilot Site.

ODISEE recently launched the NECTAR Chef Gastro-engineering programme developed specifically for the Belgium Pilot Site. The programme, which will be delivered by Odisee University of Applied Sciences, in collaboration with the Center for Gastrology, offers students the opportunity to follow one or more modules of the Chef Gastro-engineering curriculum developed within the NECTAR project. The content of these modules is closely related to the topics that are also covered within the Bachelor’s programme Facility Management (FM). The modules covered in the programme are: Communication; Process and Project Management; Human Resources Management; Finance and Procurement (1); and Finance and Procurement (2).


The Belgium Pilot Site is currently recruiting students to the programme.


Further information is available at