aN Eu Curriculum for Chef gasTro-engineering
in primAry food caRe


One of the main results of the NECTAR project is the Occupational Profile for Chef-Gastro Engineering (CGE).

According to ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations), occupation is a grouping of jobs involving similar tasks which require a similar set of skills. So, occupations should not be confused with jobs or job titles.


In order to define an Occupational Profile for CGE that could play a reference role at EU level and provide the baseline for the EU Curriculum and for the definition of the CGE qualification, the NECTAR consortium worked together in a three-step approach:

1. An analysis of the different profiles for cooks and chefs currently included in ESCO, which were summarised, analysed and compared. After this analysis, the ESCO profile for “chefs” was identified as the starting point for the development of a specialization in Chef-Gastro Engineering.

2. Workshops with the project partners and other stakeholders.

3. Collection of good practices implemented throughout Europe.

The whole set of activities performed in order to reach this important result is described in D2.2.


The NECTAR partners then established a shared definition of Chef Gastro-Engineering, which is as follows:

The Occupational Profile for CGE released by the NECTAR project is based on 7 Key Activities, each of which has been identified by specific Core Competences.

A Key Activity is conventionally defined by NECTAR as

An integrated group of professional competences, which are in their entirety necessary to perform a task relevant to the job profile. The key activities of one profession must together cover all activities for the performance of a profession, regardless of its application context

Here below you can find the Occupational Profile for CGE.