MEDITERRANEAN CONVIVIO for resilience and post-pandemic recovery in the tourist-cultural destinations of the Mediterranean basin

The two days event, 16th and 17th November 2021, includes a Focus Group session: “A NEW CHEF PROFILE EMERGES IN EUROPE: THE GASTRO ENGINEER” which will be held on 16th November at 15:30 CET. The session will be moderated by Valentina Compiani, ITS BACT and there will be a contribution from Ellen De Cuiper, Odisee University… Continua a leggere MEDITERRANEAN CONVIVIO for resilience and post-pandemic recovery in the tourist-cultural destinations of the Mediterranean basin

Gastrologic Approaches to Food Care

During the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing, NECTAR colleagues held a workshop on Gastrologic Approaches to the Third Age, including a practical session on taste steering. If you missed the opportunity to attend this workshop a further event will be held on 27 October 2021 at 10.00 CET. For more information and registration… Continua a leggere Gastrologic Approaches to Food Care

Applying selective taste management to overcome chemotherapy induced dysgeusia

 A recent study on Selective Taste Management – A Selfcare intervention for Cancer Outpatients suffering Chemotherapy-Induced Dysgeusia has highlighted the importance of gastrology in reducing malnutrition in cancer patients.


The NECTAR Leaflet is now available for download! The Leaflet provides a quick overview about our project, the objective and the partnership in a more sharable way.Clink on the link to download it NECTAR_brochure2021.

The work of NECTAR Partner Center of Gastrology highlighted in Belgian television programme

Taste disturbance due to chemotherapy can be overcome by educated chefs. With the support of experts from NECTAR partner Center of Gastrology the Belgian National Broadcasting Corporation Factcheckers program reported on the problems chemotherapy patients encounter with taste and how adjusting the taste of food can make it more appetizing and attractive to eat. Watch… Continua a leggere The work of NECTAR Partner Center of Gastrology highlighted in Belgian television programme

NECTAR Partner Marco Polo promoting the Salt Awareness Week

The World  Reduction of Salt Consumption Week is an annual event promoted by WASSH (World Action on Salt, Sugar & Health). It will be held from the 8th to 14th March 2021.The Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU) is associated with this initiative and, through its involvement, the NECTAR partner IPSSAR Marco Polo acts as… Continua a leggere NECTAR Partner Marco Polo promoting the Salt Awareness Week