aN Eu Curriculum for Chef gasTro-engineering
in primAry food caRe

DESIGNERS’ KIT: Web-based step by step guide supporting the CGE Curriculum localization


Introduction to the Designers’ Kit



This kit has been developed in the context of the NECTAR project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, and aims to support VET providers in the design and management of Chef Gastro Engineering (CGE) training courses.

In particular, the project has produced a EU Curriculum for CGE, which is the main outcome of the project, along with a number of design tools and guidelines to support the proper instantiation of the curriculum in actual courses.
These tools and guidelines have been collected in this online Designer’s Kit, which will thus support any VET designer in the proper use of the CGE Curriculum.

The Kit is organized in 4 main sections:

1. The CGE EU Curriculum: 

this section introduces the main outcome of the project, i.e. the Curriculum, by linking to the digital version of its final release. 

2. Tools for Curriculum instantiation:

this section includes guides and tools for the proper localization of the general Curriculum in any designer’s own context.

3. Tools and guide for students’ assessment: this section supports designers in implementing an effective students’ assessment in their courses, in compliance with ECVET recommendations.

4. Supplementary readings for an effective Curriculum instantiation:

this section presents some additional guides about Work-Based Learning (WBL) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

We invite you to navigate the following sections and download the provided tools.


1. The EU CGE Curriculum


The final release of the CGE EU Curriculum includes the description 67 Learning Outcomes (LOs) grouped into 7 Units of Learning Outcomes (UoLs).

Learning Outcomes are described in terms of Knowledge, Skills and Personal and Transversal Competences. 

The CGE EU Curriculum:

  • Is based on a CGE Occupational Profile made of 29 Core Competences, characterizing the CGE at EU level;
  • Is learning-outcome oriented and compliant with the main EU standards and tools for VET such as ECVET, EQAVET, ESCO, EQF, etc.;
  • Is general and across the board, since it is supposed to play a reference role for any VET designer targeting CGE profile in any EU country;
  • Is modular and flexible, since it is supposed to be adaptable to different contexts and rules in different EU countries;
  • Enhances Work-Based Learning.

These features will enable transparency and comparability of the localized curricula and will support the recognition of this qualification by regulatory bodies.

The European Reference Curriculum for CGE developed by the NECTAR project targets chefs (ESCO profile – EQF4) and aims at awarding an EQF5 level. Due to its flexible and modular design, it can be adapted to target and award a specialization in EQF4. Thus, taken as a whole, the Curriculum can be used to design CGE specialization courses awarding from 30 (minimum for EQF4) to 90 ECVET Points (maximum for EQF5). Specific guides included in this KIT support the adaptation of the EQF level and the related number of ECVET points.

Where to start? Here are some suggested steps to use the Kit as effectively as possible:

1. Download the CGE general Curriculum.

2. Browse Section 2 “Tools for Curriculum instantiation” in order to understand which tools can support you in the adaptation of the Curriculum to your context and download the identified tools.

3. Refine your design and plan an effective implementation of your course consulting Section 3 containing the guides about students’ assessment, WBL and RPL.




The CGE EU Curriculum is supposed to be general and across the board in order to be adaptable to different contexts.

The guides and tools provided in this section have the aim to support the proper instantiation of the CGE Curriculum with respect to the EQF level, the number of ECTS allocated for the achievement of each LO, the creation of modules and the identification of the proper teaching/learning strategies.


Here are some suggested steps to localize the curriculum by using related tools developed to support the activity:

1. Identify the proper EQF Level of your localized Curriculum. In case you want to adapt the curriculum to EQF4, this guide will support you in the process.

2. Understand how to contextualize the EU Curriculum in your own scenario by using Nectar Flexibility Table.

3. Understand how to define the modules of your future courses.

4. Check the number of ECVET Points you can award with your course.

Then you can fill in this Flexibility Tool, which is an Excel file that allows you to formalize the design of your course with user-friendly automatic menus. To use this tool you can rely on this simple guide. Before completing the Assessment scaffolding sheet, we suggest you consult the tools to support students’ assessment developed by NECTAR Project and presented in the next section.

Finally, for the description of your course, we suggest you to download the Course Syllabus Template, which was also delivered by NECTAR project. 




Students’ Assessment is a crucial element for the effective implementation of NECTAR’s CGE Curriculum. Thus, it has been addressed at various levels and with different tools, targeting both designers and teachers.

Firstly, we suggest you download the Assessment Table defining the main assessment methods suggested for each Learning Outcome (LO).

Secondly, you’re invited to describe and formalize how you will perform students’ assessment both through the Flexibility Tool and through the Course syllabus, both described in the previous section.

To help you in this process we suggest you download a specific Guide for the design of students’ assessment.

This guide also includes hints to use the Assessment Matrix, i.e. another practical tool which consist of an Excel file supporting the monitoring of students’ assessment with a focus on Learning Outcomes.




This section of the Designers’ Kit provides some supplementary readings to help you in the contextualization of the CGE Curriculum, taking into account other important design elements.

The CGE EU Curriculum includes a strong Work Based Learning (WBL) component. Here you can download a guide which supports you in setting up an effective WBL for CGE.

The Curriculum also supports the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), which is a process through which an individual’s prior learning, acquired in a formal, informal or non-formal way, is validated against a set of criteria and given a credit value. Here you can download a guide which identifies the main steps for RPL and provides a couple of practical experiences as concrete examples in the context of CGE.