aN Eu Curriculum for Chef gasTro-engineering
in primAry food caRe

aN Eu Curriculum for Chef gasTro-engineering
in primAry food caRe

In this page is provided the full list of NECTAR deliverable per Work Package. To download all the delivered documents as a zip archive click here. Deliverable D4.2.2 is a set of documents already available as zip archive so it is not included in the previous archive but it is a separate file.

WP1 Deliverable Namelink
D1.1.1 Progress Activity Report available
D1.1.2 Final Activity Report available
D1.2.1 Progress Costs Report available
D1.2.1 Final Cost Report
D1.3.1 Risk Management Plan available
D1.3.2 Progress Conflict and Risk Report available
D1.3.3 Final Conflict and Risk Report available
WP2 Deliverable namelink
D2.1.1 Report on cooks’ skills needs in the PFC and pre-existing training initiatives and curricula
D2.1.2: Collection of good practices
D2.2. EU Chef Gastro-Engineering Occupational Profile
WP3 Deliverable Namelink
D3.1.1 CGE European Curriculum – first releaseavailable
D3.1.2 CGE European Curriculum – final releaseavailable
D3.2.1 Tools and guides for designersavailable
D3.2.2 Web based step-by-step guide supporting the CGE EU Curriculum localizationavailable
D3.3 Instructional Design documents of five localized curricula and five pilot coursesavailable
WP4 Deliverable Namelink
D4.1.1 Educational toolkit platform description available
D4.1.2 NECTAR Educational toolkit platform implemented

available here

link to the platform in EN, DUTCH, IT, POR, GER

D4.2.1 Guidelines for teachers for curriculum implementationavailable
D4.2.2 Module storyboards and texts
zip archive available
D4.3 Teaching Toolkit and Multilingual Open Contents Link to the courses

The credentials to be used are
psw: Nectar_23

D4.4 Report on pilot teachers training and participatory creation available
WP6 Deliverable Namelink
D6.1 Evaluation and Monitoring Plan available
D6.2.1 Intermediate Evaluation Report: EU Curriculum, Tools and Guides targeting VET designers available
D6.2.2 Evaluation Report: EU Curriculum, Tools and Guides targeting VET designersavailable
D6.3 : Evaluation Report: Overall Teachers’ Toolsavailable
D6.4. Evaluation Report: Pilot courses


D6.5 Report on feedback loops: methods and results


WP7 Deliverable Namelink
D7.1.1 Dissemination and Communication Plan 1st version
version of M15
version of M21
version of M27
version of M33
D7.1.2 Dissemination Report available
Final version (M36) 
D7.1.3 Stakeholder map 1st version
version of M16
version of M28
D7.1.4 Final Conference available
D7.2.1 Project Website:1st version
Final version (M36) 
D7.2.2 Report on Social Media Sitesavailable
D7.3.1 Exploitation plan 1st version
Final version (M36)
D7.3.2 NECTAR Memorandum of Understanding - template available
D7.3.3 Policy Recommendations for efficient investments on chefs gastro-engineering in primary food careavailable
D7.4.1 Scaling-up Strategy and Sustainability Strategy1st version
Release of M18
Release of M30
D7.4.2 Scaling-up and Sustainability ReportRelease of M24
Release of M36
WP8 Deliverable Namelink
D8.1.1 Quality Assurance Planavailable
D8.1.2 Quality Register availableFinal version M36
D8.1.3 Concept for Collecting Advisory Board feedback.available
D8.1.4 Quality Management Report at mid-termavailableM36
D8.2.1 VET Quality Management Report at mid-term and at the end of the project availableM36